CellLog 8S
Maintain accurate monitoring and measurement of your battery’s voltage with this small but accurate tool.
The simple, easy to use interface on the CellLog’s backlit LCD screen lets you view individual cell voltages to a precision of three decimal places, and records up to 36 hours of data that you can upload to a PC for later analysis.
- LiPo/LiIo/LiFe: 2-8 series
- Pack Voltage Range: 4.0 – 43 V (1.0 V when powered via USB)
- Alarm Pack Voltage Range: 0.1-4.3V
- Cell Voltage Range: 1.3-4.9V
- Alarm Cell Voltage Range: 1.3-4.9V
- Voltage Display Resolution: 1mV
- Current Loading of Test: 8mA
- Maximum Voltage for Alarm Port: 50V
- Current Drain for Alarm Port: <500mA
- Log Files Storage: 16Mbit (36 hours)
- PC Connection: USB port
- Weight: 18g
- Dimensions (LxWxD): 62x39x12 mm
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